Cities over the last 365 days (2024)
The first half of 2024 was the most active I’ve been travel-wise in the last 5 years, hitting places on 4 continents. I’m clearly not the only one – travel is now expensive again, with planes going out full, hotel prices ballooning, and award redemptions for premium cabins becoming very scarce.
I’m looking forward to the trips we have planned so far in 2025, especially a trip to France where a friend is renting out a villa in Provence to celebrate a milestone birthday.
Sydney, Australia
Honolulu, HI
Las Vegas, NV
Dallas, TX
Kaufman, TX †
Copenhagen, Denmark
Billund, Denmark
Stockholm, Sweden
Palm Springs, CA
All places had overnight visits, unless marked with †.
* Multiple entries, non-consecutive days.
† Daytrip only.
‡ New country or territory.