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Archived Posts for April 2011

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Apr 11

Paul Simon at the Fillmore

Like the scent of a ex’s perfume, some songs or artists trigger memories of certain past events in our lives. Paul Simon’s music reminds me of a particular period in my life which came with a lot of mixed feelings. That added something extra to the performance, which was highly enjoyable. And interesting. Mr Simon is pushing 70 and the crowd at the Fillmore tonight was aged to match. The median age of the audience must have been in the 40s, but there were younger people there too – but it seemed that the older folk were getting stuck into the music a lot more. We were standing next to a man in his 40s and someone who appeared to be his father. The music had clearly triggered some memories for the father. Age had reduced his dancing to violent jerking and spasming, but he was clearly enjoying losing himself in the music (in between liberal drags of a few joints being passed among his family members). A friend said to me: “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a concert where so few people have their phones in the air.”

Paul Simon started pretty promptly at 8.30pm. The old man still has his voice and enough energy to put on a great 140 minute performance, mixing some old classic standards with songs from his new album and a couple of covers. Catch him while you still can – he’s worth it.

  1:04am  •  Music  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11
Apr 11

  stuloh SurveyMonkey acquires Wufoo http://tcrn.ch/fUfn1S (very excited about this!)

  11:42am  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

F**k you. Pay me. Tips for small service providers and getting paid.

This is actually a pretty good presentation for small service providers and getting paid (among other things).

Turns out it’s about the importance of having a good contract (and a lawyer).

  3:34pm  •  Law  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh A little annoyed that I can't make it to see Obama talk in SF tomorrow.

  8:40pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11
Apr 11

  stuloh Just learned that broiling in the US actually means grilling. That explains a lot.

  6:54pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

Pro shoots a legendary 16 on a Par 4, all caught on film

Kevin Na, competing on the first day of a PGA Tour event, shot a 16 on the 9th hole.

The New York Times reports:

Adam Donlin, the PGA pro at Black Bear, said that in his 12-year career working at courses, which has included supervising hundreds of golf outings and tournaments, he had never seen a 16 on any hole of any scorecard.

“I’m not sure I’ve ever seen more than a 12,” Donlin said. “I mean, a 16? Kevin Na is immortal for that.”

Most impressively, he finished the round with an 80, going 3 under on the back 9.

  11:54am  •  Sports  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh Groupon IPO May Value Company at $15-$20 Billion http://nyti.ms/gW4zCW (GS & MS tipped to lead IPO)

  9:05am  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh Good summary of the Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act Bill http://bit.ly/fFdhbX

  10:37pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh America's National Suicide: The Story of One Man's Immigration Ordeal (Newsweek) http://post.ly/1tqIB

  8:21pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh Trouble @ Twitter http://bit.ly/eAoRdx (I personally wouldn't invest in them...)

  7:16pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh Facebook & Zuck vs. Winklevi and Ceglia (The Economist)http://econ.st/gYUFHp (Ceglia's back, but now he's using DLA Piper to represent him)

  7:10pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh That clock's not quite accurate though since lawyers usually bill in 6 or 15 minute blocks...

  11:33pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh See the realtime cost of a phone call with your lawyers http://www.lawyerclock.com (like the meter on a Sydney taxi cab, but much worse)

  11:31pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh AmLaw investigates Cromwell & Goodwin, a real website for a fake law firm http://bit.ly/h4tuQD

  1:50pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

German Justice Through the Eyes of a Somali Pirate

A fascinating Spiegel article which raises some very tough questions about criminal justice. Germany arrests 10 Somali pirates who hijacked a cargo ship, ships them off to Hamburg, and holds a trial for them. Some are under 18 and all have no idea what was going on. How can you, when you have never heard of a court?

For the last seven nights, he has had nightmares in which Judge Steinmetz stabs him in the stomach with a knife. Pohlen pats him on the shoulder, half comforting and half in amusement, and tells him that things won’t get that bad.

“I think he’s serious,” says the interpreter, who left Somalia more than 20 years ago. When Pohlen asks the boy what he means, it turns out that Abdiwali believes that the uniformed bailiffs are soldiers and the people in the visitors’ gallery are members of the secret police. He can’t tell the many people in black robes apart. He is convinced that the prosecutor, who has such a low opinion of him, will pronounce the verdict and that he will be tortured. He thinks that, in the end, the man in charge, who sits in the middle at the front of the room and asks so many questions, will be the one to enforce the sentence.

Abdiwali believes that Steinmetz is his executioner.

Dr. Bernd Steinmetz, 52, the presiding judge of the 3rd Criminal Division, is a somewhat short, friendly man with an alert gaze, gray hair and delicate facial features. He comes across as being cultivated, respectable and polite, almost excessively so. He treats everyone the same, whether it’s the public prosecutor, the frigate captain or the defendants, who sit in front of him wearing prison-issue jackets and trousers that are much too big for them.

Steinmetz has meticulously prepared himself for this trial, which is the biggest case of his career. The white bowtie worn by judges suits him. He looks like he could just as well be a violinist in a string quartet or a Latin teacher. Someone would have to come from a very different world indeed to imagine that he could be an executioner.

Pohlen is flabbergasted.

“But you must know by now that there is no death penalty in Germany?”

“I don’t know that.”

“No one can be executed in this country,” Pohlen explains. “Capital punishment was abolished 60 years ago. And torture is forbidden. So is cutting off hands.”

Abdiwali nods, but he doesn’t look very convinced. He was told that pirates are beheaded in Hamburg. “That was Störtebeker,” says Pohlen, referring to a legendary German pirate from the Middle Ages. “But that was 600 years ago. Now we live in a modern democracy based on the rule of law.”

“What is the rule of law? And what is the court?” Abdiwali asks. “Who is responsible? I don’t understand any of this. Can you explain it to me?”

  4:00pm  •  Law  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh RT @tonyklai: Easy, engaging, effective: location based mobile surveys: Surveylicious! #ebootcamp http://moby.to/65j3kl (surveylicious.me)

  10:26am  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh What a govt shutdown means for Wall Street http://nyti.ms/fwr5XM (the whole affair is ludicrous, but that's US politics for you...)

  5:06pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh DLA Piper went to town on PE & VC deals last year (WSJ) http://on.wsj.com/dMDley (976 over 2nd place Gunderson's 819)

  10:39am  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh Why Techies Like to Friend Fenwick & West (BusinessWeek) http://buswk.co/g6FYwY (with quote from Larry Kramer)

  10:37am  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh K-Town: Jersey Shore, but with Asians http://bit.ly/i34YVu (seriously?!)

  7:21pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh Well, props to Matt for going 6 undefeated on Redemption Island... but man, he really deserved what happened to him afterwards #survivor

  11:40pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh Why you should care about cricket http://es.pn/hUQrDI (great article)

  11:45pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh Avoiding Pitfalls of a New Tech Bubble http://bloom.bg/e0qXMQ (I don't buy the eyeballs argmnt, but monopolies & founders not selling =good)

  10:39pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

  stuloh Why Some People Can Run Consistently on 4 Hours Sleep and Still Get So Much Done (WSJ) http://on.wsj.com/e1oJyE

  10:35pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 
Apr 11

  stuloh Hangover Part 2 trailer http://bit.ly/f6DrUS (I wonder if Stanford approved the scene at 2:20 :)

  9:36pm  •  Tweet  •  Tweet This  •  Add a comment  • 

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