Excuse me while I pop back out of existence
I could say that I’ve been snowed under with work (which would be correct), but there are some of you who have seen me on the net, so all I can say about this journal is that I’ve been really really lazy. However, I can guarantee you no more updates until my last HSC exam, November 11. Expect to hear from me within days of that date (if I haven’t gotten blind drunk and walked into the path of a truck). I’ve got a stack of quotes to put up too, so you have something to “look forward to”. Despite my prodigious use of the net, I’ve been fluctuating between 6 to 11 hours of study a day, which is still not enough. Anyway wish me luck. Exams start next Monday. BTW, check out sonic’s new layout at his new site address. Off I step into oblivion again.