stuloh Where do lawyers earn the most? Turns out, it's not NYC but...
stuloh This is just wrong. RT @BreakingNews: Snow falls on San Francisco, Calif., for 1st time since Feb. 1976
stuloh I want the new MBP, but I can't justify its purchase...
stuloh This is one bad-ass Silicon Valley dinner party:
stuloh Tweeting in the middle of nowhere in rural Malaysia on an iPad... Can't get away.
stuloh The price of each red packet I've received is being asked "Why aren't you married yet?" followed by an attempt at force feeding me durian.
stuloh Oh durian, thy wretched stench hath finally hit mine nostrils. Begone, foul devil fruit!
stuloh Just had a friend ask "Why aren't the Singaporeans out protesting like their oppressed brothers in the Middle East?" Huh?!?