stuloh California and Bust, by Michael Lewis (Vanity Fair) http://t.co/QSVwjJjU
stuloh I hate flying United across the Pacific.
stuloh Free to Die (Krugman writing in the NY Times) http://t.co/7HFycMSk
stuloh TIL: a 'love contract' is not what it sounds like... in the context of workplace relationships and employment law
stuloh Why Some Languages Sound So Much Faster than Others (Time) http://t.co/GMYe1e6
stuloh The Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerbergs of Tomorrow (NY Mag) http://t.co/B2y9JzQ
stuloh At StartX demo day (with thanks to @legallytech for hooking me up!)
stuloh RT @zamiang: Tim Berners-Lee just endorsed @SurveyMonkey to Ron Rivest (the 'R' in RSA and CLRS) on CSAIL-related: http://t.co/oc2gpt4