Hear Ye! turns 7
I allowed myself to make a self-indulgent graphic this year, so please excuse me for that. Thanks to all the readers of the site, some who have been visiting for many years now. For the observant, you may notice that today I’ve broken with a 7 year old tradition on this site – feel free to guess what it is. Anyway, onwards… 2005 should be an exciting year. I also should get around to doing some Plastic Bag style graphs on my posting habits – if anyone is interested in doing this and wants a raw data file of my posts, let me know.
Is it that you posted up a picture of yourself? If that’s not it, then I’m not very observant.
Congrats on 7 years. If I recall correctly, Hear Ye! was the first web site (long before the word “blog” was invented) to link to my website, in the year 2000.
Here’s to 7 more years.
Great Stu, yours is one of the few blogs I read now, and about the only one I enjoy.
When will the correct answer be edited back in for all the slow ones (that’s me)?
Dennis’ correct answer has been edited back in