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LOTR Return of the King: Mindblowingly awesome. No expletive-enhanced superlatives can describe it. Absolutely a must watch.
LOTR Return of the King: Mindblowingly awesome. No expletive-enhanced superlatives can describe it. Absolutely a must watch.
More exciting than rock, paper, scissors? ; )
Do you think they will make a movie based on “The Hobbit”?
Stoh, here’s where you need followup links. :)
Mattman: Jackson has hinted at wanting to make the movie.
And I wholeheartedly agree with Stu. It’s better than pie, for crissakes, and with my seemingly obsessive piemaking, that’s saying a lot.
I saw the movie last night.. my arse was sore after 3 1/2 hours.. the ending went on the ages!!!!!