Hear Ye! Since 1998.
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Jun 03

In Memoriam

Did you know that if you go up to someone with a packet of flour, and tell them you’re selling them Cocaine, you can be charged for supplying Cocaine (and be liable for all the punishments that go with that), even though it’s really only flour?

But anyway, enough study for tonight. I was reading Fuzzy’s post and it just made me think how much things have changed over the past decade with regards to the net, and how my usage patterns of the net used to be. It’s a fond memory, and it’s with a bit of regret that things won’t ever feel the same way again. The Net was something new and extraordinary back then – literally a world of exploration.

The mid-90s: We were with OzEmail, a 28.8k dialup connection (hey, I’m STILL on a 28.8k dialup connection… some things never change *grumble*) at $5 an hour. Dad used to restrict my time spent connected to the Net quite heavily. I remember joining the Aussie Warcraft 2 (OzWL) league in Year 10. OzWL was one league in a series of leagues run by Prowler and Garfield, and all its players formed a community on Kali. I had registered for a Kali ID back then by sending off a cheque to Jay Cotton. Anyway, I used to get home from school at about 5pm, and because Dad only got back from work at 6.30pm, I’d have a narrow window of time to log on and play a bit of War2 behind his back. That was fun, one of the first gaming communities in Australia that started up over Descent and later migrated over to War2. I started up a clan. We had ranking systems, profiles, clan wars, competitions and stats – everything, all arranged via a website coded by Prowler’s excellent Perl scripting skills. Battle.net at this stage was years away and multiplayer games still ran only over IPX (hence the need for Kali). The concept of LAN parties was also new. I recall when they arranged LANDAY1, for the league community. They ran it over a 10mbps network when network cards were far from commonplace.

I also remember stumbling upon MP3s for the first time. Back when Winamp was in its really early days. I recall the very first MP3 I downloaded was *ahem* a Spice Girls track. I actually still have that track on my hard drive – it’s datestamped 1997. I got such a thrill that I was downloading music, for free, onto my computer. Similar to the thrill I got when we upgraded from the Apple IIC to a 486 and played a game with colour and speech, instead of monochrome and beeps (Might & Magic 3). The lawsuit-happy RIAA was ages away from identifying MP3 as a threat, and some web sites traded MP3s openly and easily.

I don’t remember how I found things on the net back when the default background colour for web pages was grey. There was no Google. And when Altavista eventually surfaced, it was extraordinary (a search engine that sorta worked!). “Real-time” news sites were rare. If I got a reply to an e-mail within a day, that was an extremely fast response time. The sites that I kept going back to were the sites that updated, and back then, updating was quite rare. Most web sites were just static pages. No such thing as content management systems. No ICQ. And wireless connectivity? Forget it! Hardly any mobile phones back then.

Everything was new and exciting. Writing my first web page was awesome. Figuring out how to stick it online, doubly so. Back then, the physical structure of the Net was a blur to me. I didn’t comprehend how it worked, and it didn’t really matter. It was something mystical. It was something to unravel and learn about. There weren’t idiot guides, TV shows or people you could call up to ask questions. If you wanted help, you had to first figure out where on Earth (literally) to look for it.

We’ve all learnt a lot about the Net over the intervening years. Things are at the stage where nothing is truly revolutionary. If you can envisage something, it can most probably be done, and even done personally. There is the occasional thing that will wow us, but never will it be the same as the sense of wonderment and awe I felt, when way back in 1992 I logged onto this little application called CB Radio and started chatting with some high school dude in Cremorne.

This is all a very circumlocutious way of answering the question of why Fuzzy is having such a hard time finding sites that satisfy like the “olden days”, and why there’s sometimes an old school mentality amongst the older personal web sites. Back then, finding a personal web page that was regularly updated was a treat. Communities formed, and being exclusively online, they were communities in a very novel sense. Nowadays it’s all commonplace. Nothing special. Three clicks in Blogger.com and you’re away, with your very own tiny piece of real estate in the megapolis that is the Net, population 2 billion. Your friend’s meeting someone in the real world that they met online last week? Yeah, so what’s new? It’s like the movies. The first couple teen spoof flicks were excellent. Then they just got boring, because they were unoriginal. It doesn’t mean the later films were crap, it just means they were unexciting.

Ok it’s too late. This post has meandered quite badly, and my writing sucks. I’ll be off now.

This post has 10 comments

1.  Little D

haha i remember those days. altavista was kick arse!! i remmeber getting my first email addy in year 9 at school and wonder who exactly i’d be emailing with it, and its uselessness!! i would go to dad’s office in the arvo and dial on to the internet and surfing it would just be a treat. :) i think one of the first things i looked up was an anne of green gables canadian site [ it still exits ] :) and downloading pooh bear pictures. back when zoom, tripod, and geocities pages weren’t full of pop ups and people who created them used it as an interest site and they’d be interesting. :)

2.  teldak

I remember 14.4kbps modems and 28.8 modems were a reality until last friggin december. I remember being twelve and being completely angry at the CIPA (american law that says you have to be 13 to sign anything online). I couldn’t start a site, yet I had written up a Pokemon site (yes, my first site was a pokemon site) and wanted the world to see it. I actually counted down the days till I turned 13. I’d never counted down the days until I was a certain age and haven’t since. Getting online was mainly for the heck of it, although I tended to use Magellan (www.mckinley.com) as my search engine. Heck, I still know of at least a few people that were on a message board I used when I was barely 12. It interesting to look back at what we did on that board, when we find remnants of old things we’d posted.

Oh the good old days, as I swore I would never say. Wait? Good? While, content-wise, very much so; speed-wise…lord no. Old…not objectively. Days, no, more like years.

3.  Fuzzy

Stu, you have quite wonderfully wrapped it all up for me.

It’s all about signal to noise ratois. But in the old days finding another site similar to what I was doing basically ment that I’d enjoy it. Simply because we had at least one common interest; the net. 3 clicks and you’ve got 2 million blogger sites. How am I supposed to find anything I enjoy in amongst that?

Maybe the gaps which I thought I’d seen emerging in the sort of content that I find interesting, are actually being refilled by others; but how the hell do I find them?

Damn, 12 monkeys. From 12 to a gazillion, it’s been a bloody interesting journey.

Oh, I can still remember your first post about Google. Also first post about napster.

4.  Bonhomme de Neige

Heh, I remember using Mozaic to look up Gopher sites (my dad works at a university) in the early 90s .. and that was most impressive at the time … as was dialling into the uni servers with a uni-issued 2800bps modem and using the student (back then my sister was a student..) server they provided that had access to IRC (yes, they did that!!)… this was 93-94.

So there you, don’t you all feel upstaged? And I’m younger than all of you =P

5.  Stu

When we initially signed up with OzEmail in 92, there was a time that “net access” ran over an aging X.25 network which only gave pseudo net access. E-Mail, Gopher, Usenet and a few proprietary applications. They upgraded their network after a while, and you actually had to dial a separate number to access the web. (This sounds familiar – I think I’ve actually made a post on this before.)

But that’s the net. I’m sure there are plenty of readers of this site that can reminince with me about the old BBS days and how they trawled around at 300bps using DOS programs like Telix, troubleshooting telephony problems by manually sending initialisation strings to the modem and the like. It’s just that demographic.

6.  Rodent

Dreaming of 4 colour Shadowkeep – that sums up the 1980’s.

As an aside, I’m am always amazed at the crazy times that people post on this website. It really shows the impact of the Net.

PS. You didn’t capitalise all the time in reference to “the Net”.

7.  Pete

So far we’ve come, yet so little we’ve travelled…

Bloody Alston and his cronies still have a lot to answer for in holding this country back.

8.  Pete

Haha, pick the bitter dial-up user!

9.  Ferni

I paid $500 for my first V34 33.6k modem in late 94/early 95 can’t remember – spent the first month just dialing BBS’s and so… then got the internet which i had no idea how to use or even what it was… i used bbs’s more than the internet… then it changed alot towards the end of 95 when i got my friends on there and we found cyberchat (lolchat) or whatever it was.. some chat program … and that other 3d one that you could actually walk around in a virtual world and talk to people that had thier own avatars… used to stay up all night talking to school friends then go to school and talk about how we were on the net all night hahaa

10.  friel

I remember the old ozwl, still some of us meet on kali at omninet server, though we play starcraft now, war2 died and war3 never really took off. The leagues are gone, though there are still some remnants on the net if you do a search on ozwl in google, almost brings a tear to your eye.

btw we’re on the omninet server on kali, number 7

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