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Dec 01

The Two Towers

Finished the second book of LOTR a few days ago. Most people prefer Fellowship to the other two books, but I thought a lot more happened in this one than in Fellowship. It was an easier read. The tone of language of the 2nd and 3rd books is different from Fellowship (less casual and “playful”), but this doesn’t make a huge difference in readibility. More significantly, the plot begins to split up and we start to see the big picture – how war is progressing in middle-earth. Unfortunately, some of the suspenseful bits in the book are not as effective because, just like in any movie, you know (replace with protagonist’s name) is not gonna die. Not at this stage of LOTR, anyway. I think this book is a richer source for a movie than Fellowship – it’s more varied, there’s more action, and I really want to see Ents ripping up Isengard!

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